


电影 剧情 2022 其它


导演: 金基德 

主演: Zhanel Sergazina Abylai Maratov Omurbek Nurdinov Artykpai Suyundukov 

状态: HD

剧情: Anticipation of Love has settled in a heart of a young lady. The borders between dream and passion a...展开re very elusive. Life is full of physical deprivations and sensual pleasures and the deep meaning of that all is Love of course. The deeper the feeling the more intense emotions. Each girl dreams to meet her love one day. An experienced man is able to help her to discover the world of passion and senses, bring her to the «heaven's gate» where the two of them will prevail. One can only imagine how many hearts were broken along the way to master the science of love. But the passion blinds and soon the man becomes a slave of young sensual body of a woman. The carnal knowledge makes the girl try to subdue her love object. Instant emotions bring pain and suffering to the lovers as well as to their relatives and friends. Will the young heroine manage to meet the expectations of the man she loved and make him happy... become the only one? Who will help her to find the right path? Maybe the mysterious voice on the phone? Or will it be enough just to wake up and realize that that was just a dream, just a dream. Last film by Kim Ki-duk, which he shot in Summer, 2019 in Kyrgyzstan. Film was finished by Kim's friends and colleagues after his unexpected death in December, 2020.收起


林中生物 HD中字 Natasa Dangubic Ines Bojanic Stojan Matavulj Ljubisa Savanovic   Young Rinus Jongbloed, the new boss of a Croatian marketing agency which has recently changed owner
林中生物 恐怖
另一种结局 6.4 HD 菲利普·罗施 盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔 贝热尼丝·贝乔 雷娜特·赖因斯夫 蒂姆·戴什 Michael Maggi Amina Ben Ismaïl Dami Olukoya Kathleen Hagen Olivia Williams Pal Aron    在与朱丽叶·比诺什合作并入围威尼斯电影节主竞赛单元的首部长片《等待》中,皮耶罗·梅西纳就触及了死亡和悲伤的主题,而现在他要做出更进一步的探讨——爱人逝去之后,我们该如何面对别离,又要如何处理彼此之
另一种结局 科幻
穿行 7.9 HD 姆齐亚·阿拉布利 Lucas Kankava Deniz Dumanli    [然后我们跳了舞]导演列万·阿金新作[航程]将于2021年9月开拍,拍摄地点包括伊斯坦布尔与格鲁吉亚。影片被描述为“一个关于爱与渴望有一个归属地的故事。影片关于被选择的家庭,这样家庭是由那些在生物
穿行 剧情
森林杀手 HD中字 Michal Balcar  改编自真实事件——2005 年,维克多·卡利沃达在捷克森林中偶然杀害了 3 名流浪者。该案因缺乏作案动机而备受关注。被捕后,卡利沃达供认不讳,但没有透露作案动机。这部电影将密切关注他从谋杀到被捕的一年
森林杀手 剧情
马来西亚海岸警卫队:赫朗行 HD中字 Saharul Ridzwa  马来西亚海岸警卫队军官哈菲兹正在海滩度假村与未婚妻庆祝订婚。突然,一群恐怖分子劫持了酒店,绑架了他的未婚妻和她的家人。几名客人被劫持为人质,其他人则被残忍杀害。哈菲兹设法逃脱,只受了点伤,他迅速组织搜
马来西亚海岸警卫队:赫朗行 动作
护士阿比 HD中字   When overworked graphic designer Roy faints, he wakes up to the beautiful Nurse Abi taking care of
护士阿比 剧情
爱你,罗茜 7.5 HD 莉莉·柯林斯 山姆·克拉弗林 塔姆欣·伊格顿 杰美·温斯顿 克里斯蒂安·库克 阿特·帕金森 马里昂·奥德怀尔    《親愛的,原來是你》(Love, Rosie)改編自全球破億經典愛情電影《留給最愛的情書》(PS, I Love You)原著小說作家Cecelia Ahern另一幽默感人作品《Where Rai
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